Kristin Madding Kristin Madding

How They’re a Mirror for You

Are you mad at them or are you actually mad at you? This is a deeper look at projection and blame, and how to identify where your power actually lies.

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Reframing Kristin Madding Reframing Kristin Madding

Reframe Your Thoughts (Effectively)

We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking, right? Well, I’m sick of it. Jk Jk. Sort of. If you’re like me, the “always-and-only-positivity movement” may have left a sour taste in your mouth. After all, nothing screams positivity like denying or rejecting your true internal experience, amiright?

In this episode, I’ll explore the art of reframing and offer some effective ways (i.e. loving ways) to introduce more productive thoughts into your experience. This will be especially helpful for those who struggle with positive thinking.

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